Following the finalizations of sorority recruitment this week, the CDC has announced a new, dangerous illness pertinent to the sorority community, those adjacent to the sorority community, and those who have been…
Lovers of Mike and Don, rejoice! A new chef is joining Columbia Dining’s coveted rank of “I have my own dining hall that makes one specific type of food exclusively and does…
After its incredible success in Cafe East, Santander has decided to open a new banking location in the fourth floor bathrooms of McBain Hall. Sandra Burke, spokesperson for Santander, told the Federalist,…
‘But My Emails!’ Professor Clinton Speaks out After Failing Duo Two-Factor Authentication
Rumors began circulating on Tuesday afternoon that former Secretary of State and recently-appointed SIPA professor Hillary Rodham Clinton has been unable to access her Columbia email. The former secretary confirmed these rumors…
Warning: this is the kind of news the MAN doesn’t want you to read. It’s objectively good news that’s gonna put you in a great mood! My dog is doing really well,…
Regardless of opinions surrounding the political standing and history of the former Secretary of State, everyone would agree that Hillary Clinton’s sense of style knows no ideological bounds. That’s why Columbia’s newest…
Barnard College is now the only undergraduate college allowed to be referred to as “The College,” according to an official University press release. The announcement follows decades of Barnard students rolling their…
As a dedicated writer for the Columbia Federalist, I do my best to make sure that my content is on the cutting edge of pop culture. I strive to keep all Fed…
Happy registration week and congratulations on not getting into any of your courses! This morning, Columbia announced new classes to be added to the course catalog in an attempt to allow more…
Following the success of her inaugural Year of Science, Barnard President Sian Beilock has announced last minute plans to immediately begin the Year of Dartmouth™. Beilock announced the following mandates early Tuesday…