“At first I thought it was odd that she’d go to John Jay to eat, when the food’s much better on this side of Broadway,” said Margo’s roommate, Prudence Yao, BC‘22. “But…
He attached the link to his Tik Tok account, “WAP with Beck Hall.” WAP standing for “Watch and Probe,” that is.…
Top 10 Non-Opinions to Show Off to Your University Writing Classmates
1. “I just think this is pretty problematic . . .” - Boom. Start with the basics. They wanted critical thinking? You gave it to them. But remember: NEVER reveal what it…
. According to the students, Bollinger turned his camera off, presumably mistaking it for the mute button. Then, the class heard Mrs. Bollinger ask her husband if he had eaten her zuPoo…
When asked if these restrictions felt like a fresh blow to an already difficult situation for international students in the US, Richard said, “You bet! I feel like I have been self-rejecting…
When the Columbia Federalist reached out to Williams for comment, he explained “Yeah, I know it’s the second day of classes, but I’ve already mapped out all of my courses for the…
Similarly, SEAS freshman Reid Jection describes the Activities Fair as reinvigorating his waning inferiority complex. “I’m really looking forward to this week,” he says, “Filling out endless Google Forms and anxiously sweating…
Last year, I had a particularly unfortunate Tinder hook-up experience which lasted roughly 30 seconds. The offending gentleman in question was completely unabashed, however, at his brief performance. Upon seeing my disappointment,…
Confused SEAS kid emerges from his Furnald room for the first time since March: ‘Where is everyone?’
“We are a pretty social dorm,” Kelvin bragged bashfully, “Before I went into hibernation, we organised a floor outing to see the Battle of the Bands in Lerner Party Space— our usual…
PrezBo told the Fed: “I was eager to find out how Trump managed to pay only $750 in taxes in 2016. I’m still paying closer to $1,000 in income tax -- I…