
Professor Indoctrinating Students Clearly Doesn’t Have Their Heart in It

One of the most important roles of a Columbia professor is to misrepresent facts to indoctrinate students into socialist, America-hating, pink-haired freaks. This is not only a part of their job description, but a service to the overall mission of higher education—to turn good ol’ patriotic children into card-carrying communists in four short years. This makes it even more disappointing when the professor doing the radicalizing is obviously just going through the motions. 

Intro to American Politics professor Annie Kapitilis doesn’t even seem like she cares about distorting the worldview of America’s youth. As she reviewed CNN’s coverage of the election, she barely even tried to stir students into unionized bloodlust. Instead, she only made a passing comparison between Trump and Hitler before continuing to review the textbook reading. Additionally, as the advisor for the Columbia Violent Protests and Fake News Dissemination Club, Kapitilis has taken a backseat to the students—who are not yet qualified or experienced enough to effectively divide this country!

And this is where our tuition dollars go? She is barely talking about critical race theory or how God is a trans woman, and when the students break into small groups to shit on the founding fathers, she hardly guides the conversation. Until this professor finds her passion again, it’s in the institution’s best interest that she takes a step back and leaves the indoctrination to someone who actually cares about poisoning America’s future.