Disappointing Your Parents, Alarming Your Grandparents: Faux Classes to Convince the Family You’re Fighting With That They’re Wasting 80K

If there’s two things you can count on being asked during the holidays, they are: “What are you studying?” and “Oh… and what are you planning on doing with that?” And yeah, you could gracefully bow your head and admit you can’t do anything with a Religion degree and will probably end up begging your mother’s-cousin’s-boss’s-sister for a consulting gig, or you could have some fun. 

Next time Grandma tells you that you’ve gained weight in your ankles, tell her all that you’ve learned in one of these Fed-ified Columbia courses: 

ANTH-BC3401 Holding Two Truths: Honoring the Place of Flat-Earthers in American Geologic Culture 

EESC-UN2500 Climate Justice and Urban Planning: The Socio-Political Implications of Concrete 

EDUC-BC2381 Communism4Kidz: Social Movements for Impressionable Audiences

HIST-GU4401 Tops, Bottoms, and Federalists: Queer Icons in Early America 

COMS-BC1002 Computational Methods for the NYTimes Mini Crossword (counts for Thinking Locally distributional requirement)

POLI-UN1011 Socialism 101: Unionizing Your Instagram Followers

ENGL-UN2401 Trees

PSYC-GR6000 Self Pleasure and the Female Orgasm 

NSBV-BC4322 GoogooGaga: Analyzing Effects of Lady Gaga’s Discography on Developing Brains 

WMST-GU3800 Microbangs, Mullets, and More: the History of Hair at Your HWC

HIST-UN2476 War Criminals: Why Grandpappy May Not Have Been Such A Great Guy

ANTH-BC1000 Into to Polyamory and Alternative Relational Practices 

ECON-BC3400 Why We <3 Taxes 

ENGL-BC3426 FanFiction, Smut, and Sexual Liberation Through Writing (Workshop; Application Required)