
Person Aggressively Killing Lanternflies Mistaken For Irish Step Dancer

Following a lecture on invasive species in EESC BC1001 (Intro to Environmental Science), a first-year Barnard student challenged herself to #SaveTheTrees and kill as many spotted lanternflies as humanly possible. The bugs beneath her bounced up and down as she flailed her extended legs around. She was determined to massacre every little insect on the Altschul terrace and quickly found herself with a motivated crowd that observed her in awe. The first-year was honored that so many other environmentalists had found her but was shocked that they refused to join her in destroying such an invasive species. The Fed spoke to a spectator that happened to be a senior that had just gotten back from study abroad.

She told the Fed, “It was like I was back in Dublin! I was thinking of joining her but I’d need to have a couple of beers first [she giggled]… did I ever tell you that I was studying abroad last semester?”