By Cupid
1. CPS: Counseling and Psychological Services to some, Couple’s Preferred Spot to others. Between the cellists and the candles, you’ll surely find love in these offices.
2. Study rooms with glass walls: use the whiteboard to play hangman, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _! What could it spell?
3. Chef Mike’s: sandwiches split Lady and the Tramp style. Will you kiss in the middle? Find out!
4. Dodge Pool: indoor kayaking by moonlight, getting tangled in the lane lines, chlorine, and passion floating in the air.
5. Quad Practice Rooms: Dark! Scary! Sexy?…
6. The Floor Between Floors in Lerner: get lost in the folds of time and space together. Do you even exist there? What effect will this metaphysical experience have on your love?