r/AmItheAsshole: AITA for Breaking Up with My Girlfriend After She Posted Our Fight on SideChat | The Columbia Federalist

r/AmItheAsshole: AITA for Breaking Up with My Girlfriend After She Posted Our Fight on SideChat

I (21M) was posted on C/Dating and Relationships on SideChat by my girlfriend (20F) and now I’m getting a ton of hate. Basically, we got into it again outside of her 10:10 class HIST-2347 Sources and Methods of Verbal Confrontation and later that night she posted on SideChat ranting about “how I treat her” and a horde of unidentified sheep chimed in telling her to leave me. So, I left her.

The SideChat post said that I was “pathetic” and “stupid” for cheating and throwing away our 3-year relationship. She described my appearance, the public fight outside of Uris that we had, and other times I’ve “violated her trust,” “made her feel small,” or “matched with her best friend on Hinge.” Now everyone on campus knows who I am. I feel like I’m being gawked at when I pass through college walk. To make matters worse, the post has 480 upvotes and a variety of commenters calling me a “bum,” a “low-life,” and a “piece of shit jerkoff,” which is both hurtful and not even true. 

The bottom line is that I think posting the details of our relationship on SideChat was extremely unnecessary. It’s not like I go online every time we fight saying that Amy is a 5’5” AXO blonde (fake) who lives on the 2nd floor of Carlton (west wing) and has a freckle above her left eyebrow. 

I just think it’s completely irresponsible and unfair to publicly circulate someone else’s personal life online. The internet lasts forever and this could really follow me. I’m trying to go into finance and my dad has a few internship opportunities lined up for me so this is a really bad look. She can’t just post on SideChat and say that I’m a “raging, brown-haired maniac” and not expect these recruiters to connect those dots. Even if she “changed my name” like she’s claiming, the details are pretty obvious (“He is big-mouthed, ignorant, and his face is begging to be punched.” Could she be less subtle?) and, frankly, unfair. It doesn’t matter what happened in the past, she crossed the line. 

Faithful Redditors, please chime in and defend a nice guy who was wronged by another shallow woman!

Downvotes: -27 ⬇️