When you two are spending time together, you are most often…
- Watching a movie
- Sharing a meal
- Making each other laugh
- Miles apart sending each other GamePigeon messages
She is most likely to describe you as…
- Charming
- Kind
- Funny
- Great at hitting tricky off-the-wall bank shots
Something that could damage your relationship is…
- Politics
- Miscommunications
- Future plans
- If GamePigeon produced a single player version of 8 Ball, rendering you obsolete
You two most enjoy talking about…
- Each other
- Your days
- Your favorite movies
- How frustrating it is when you make a tough shot but you scratch immediately after
She first and foremost thinks of you as…
- Her crush
- Her partner
- Her friend
- Either stripes or solids
If you told her you loved her, she would say…
- I love you too!
- I know
- Oh, wow…
Mostly a’s, b’s, or c’s: We don’t know your relationship that well, but it seems like there’s a pretty decent chance this person actually really cares about you. Congrats.
Mostly d’s: We are pretty confident that this person is only using you for your exceptional ability and general willingness to play virtual pool. There’s a slim chance you matter to this person, but we’re honestly pretty certain that 8 Ball isn’t the only thing getting played in this relationship.