QOTD: Am I being slut shamed or do you actually care if I’m cold? | The Columbia Federalist

QOTD: Am I being slut shamed or do you actually care if I’m cold?

Sure, it’s like 25 degrees out, and sure, I’m wearing a micro skirt—-have you ever heard of fashion? Clearly you haven’t, because thermal tights under your high waisted jeans is sooooooo out this season. But you wouldn’t know that, would you?

Did you know that you’re the fifth person that’s asked me if I’m cold today? You’re not very original. Yes, I’m shivering… I’m just jamming to my DJ set tho, so you should check it out on SoundCloud. Maybe my lips are a bit purple too…it’s a new shade that I’m testing out. The cough isn’t contagious either. I’m fine. I swear. 

Slut shaming is sooooo out, STOP ASKING ME IF I’M COLD!!! I thought my historically women’s college would be more open minded about unconventional fashion choices. Clearly, you are all stuck in the 1950s and are gagged by a little leg showing!

If you really care tho, sure I’ll admit that I’m likeeeee….a tiny bit cold….could you really tell? I’d really love it if I could borrow some soup, hot coffee, and also a cute scarf. Thanks! <3