OP-ED: Now that Jaywalking is Legal in New York City, I Don’t Want to Do it Anymore | The Columbia Federalist

OP-ED: Now that Jaywalking is Legal in New York City, I Don’t Want to Do it Anymore


Today, New York City officially made one of its most ancient and sacred practices legal. Even though I didn’t even know it was actually “illegal,” the rebellious act of crossing the street while a glowing red hand sparkled down at me always gave me a rush — perhaps even a high! But now that it’s legal, I’m totally uninterested. 

Now doing it basically feels like going to the M & M store in Times Square in an ‘I <3 New York’ shirt. How are New Yorkers supposed to feel cool when the thing that they do to show everyone that they’re incredibly busy and cooler than you for not doing is now, if not encouraged, at least legal?? 

In protest, I will be waiting patiently on the correct part of the sidewalk for the walking man to appear, and I encourage every other New Yorker to do the same—STICK IT TO THE MAN!