Fun Activities to do with Hair in the Shared Showers | The Columbia Federalist

Fun Activities to do with Hair in the Shared Showers

  1. Explore new textures! The hair clumps clogging the drain provide an excellent shower sensory experience. Wiggle your toes in luscious strands as you shampoo!
  2. Go glam! Try out some fun new hairstyles. A goatee? A pubestache? Some rockin’ sideburns? Sky’s the limit! Thread your eyebrows, pop on some lashes, and twist some new hair extensions. You’ll step out of the shower looking like a brand new person.
  3. Embrace your artistic side! Experiment with a new medium: wet hair on shower wall. Picasso who?
  4. Traditional Swedish hairwork jewelry! Need I say more?
  5. Upkeep your hygiene! Floss those pearly whites, assemble a makeshift loofah to exfoliate your pores, or knit a headband to keep your hair out of your face when you do your skincare.
  6. Sample some local cuisine! Delicious flavors, a mix of shampoos and conditioners, the delicate palate can even detect the whiff of fresh air from the John Jay AC.
  7. Craft a Barnard-worthy fit! A pair of sexy new fishnets? A comfy sweater to fight the bitter NYC winter? A soft pair of slippers to wear in the dorm at night? Earn the title of “baddie” using nothing but the work of your hands and the hair of your shower.
  8. Gifts galore! A specially picked clump of hair makes for the perfect gift to woo your professor during office hours. For your hallmates, try fashioning the hair strands into cute matching friendship bracelets! If you want to go the extra mile, try sorting the hairs out and returning them to their rightful head. A good deed done is a good deed won!
  9. Throw it out in the trash. Be respectful of the shared shower space and make sure to collect any hair left behind with a paper towel so that everyone can enjoy their shower experience.


  1. Send it over to Spec! Little known fact: the Spectator welcomes submissions of wet hair from your shower drain! Be sure to send over any leftovers, along with our regards.