
President Shafik on Canceled Commencement Ceremony: “Fuck You Guys.”

Earlier today, it was discovered that Columbia University had canceled its main commencement ceremony, which typically takes place on the Morningside campus from Butler lawns to Low Library.

Major media outlets such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Sidechat leaked the news, before students were directly made aware by their administrators. Many students are regarding this as one of the biggest communications fumbles under Shafik’s administration — and there have been many.

A text conversation amongst the top administrators regarding this blunder was leaked to the Columbia Federalist. Below is an excerpt:

Sorett: Did we forget to email the students lmaooooo

Shafik: i forgor 💀

Rosenbury: girl we can’t take u anywhere 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Around 15 minutes after the news of commencement’s cancellation was reported, Shafik sent an email to seniors, writing: “Yes, I canceled graduation. What are you gonna do about it, huh? That’s right. Nothing. Fuck you guys.”