
Finals Week to be Condensed into Finals Day to Allow Extra Time for Midterms

As the semester has entered its waning days, the Columbia administration has announced a bold new policy that will condense finals week into a “finals day.” The statement read as follows:

“It has come to our attention that many professors feel the first three months of the semester do not allow adequate time to conduct midterm exams. Because of this, we will be eliminating all but the last day of finals week and reassigning it to a ‘midterm week.’ All classes will be expected to hold finals on the remaining finals day, while they will also be assigned designated time slots during the new midterm week during which they may hold midterms that they were unable to fit into the regular semester schedule.”

This change is set to go into effect this semester and remain in place permanently. Finally, professors will be alleviated of the time pressure that only allowed them to hold four or five midterms throughout the semester!