Fed/CounterFed: The Fac Shack is the Coolest Shack on Campus | The Columbia Federalist

Fed/CounterFed: The Fac Shack is the Coolest Shack on Campus

The Fac Shack is the Coolest Shack on Campus

Hell yeah, baby! The Fac Shack rules! Coolest shack on campus by a mile, no contest. You walk up, chat with your Fac Shack pals… “What’s up? Not much, how about you? Have a great day, see ya! It’s not even close—the Fac Shack absolutely DOMINATES every other shack on campus. Booyah, baby! Deal with it!

Counter: The Fac Shack is NOT the Coolest Shack on Campus

The Fac Shack is absolutely not the coolest shack on campus. I hate that place with every fiber of my being… and it’s all for one reason.

Newsflash, buddy—the Fac Shack is not a shack! Call me crazy, but when I see the Fac “Shack,” I see more of a trailer/food truck apparatus, not anything that even remotely resembles a shack. What do I want to see in a shack, you might ask? Creaky doors and a rotting wooden roof—I know you know what I’m talking about. Maybe I’m a hater, but in the Fac Shack, I just don’t see it. It’s not the coolest shack on campus—not by a long shot.