Selfless Student Makes Time in Schedule for Family Vacation to Bermuda | The Columbia Federalist

Selfless Student Makes Time in Schedule for Family Vacation to Bermuda

ST A’S – In an act of pure selflessness, Nathan Wilkerson SEAS ‘18 has carved time out of his busy academic schedule to fly to The Pompano Beach Club Resort in Bermuda for a couple days of lounging and not-so-virgin margaritas, all out of love for his family.

Wilkerson says it’s easy to lose perspective as a student at an elite academic institution, but that in the face of academic pressure it’s still important to make an effort to be there for your loved ones. “Sometimes, it can feel like all that matters is finishing your financial econ assignment on time. But even when school is kicking your ass, you need to make sacrifices for the people you love. And if that means means flying direct, shopping a little bit in the airport, and forcing yourself to enjoy every one of those five stars – well, then that’s what you need to do.”

Diane Wilkerson said she appreciates that her son makes an effort to find time for the family. “I know he’d rather be holed up in Butler Library over his Thanksgiving break, so it means a lot to me that he’s willing to put the books aside and endure an arduous day, drinking a cold beverage on the sand.”

Moreover, Wilkerson’s selflessness extends beyond just his family. Next spring break, Wilkerson plans to get blasted in Cancun with his closest friends instead of finding a last-minute summer internship.